Sound Impression: Harvest by Glowworm

Glowworm is a project that features the music of guitarist Kevin Scott Davis and pianist & vocalist Asia Dojnikowska. Each member of the band is classically trained, Dojnikowska having formally studied classical piano for 12 years in Poland and Davis with a degree in music composition in America. Far from being an academic effort, however, “simple beauty” is what the duo aspires to create and on the evidence of their latest album, I think it is safe to say they have squarely hit the mark.

It was not always thus. Rewind back to 2008 and Glowworm’s to well-received debut The Coachlight Woods and you will encounter exhilarating post rock atmospherics more akin to bands like Caspian or Mogwai, but a quiet period of nearly ten years, the project re-emerged with a much stronger emphasis on ambient and classical elements. The musical partnership between Davis and Dojnikowska blossomed during the recording of the 2020 album Midnight Intervals and led to them becoming a proper duo en route to developing Harvest which was released in March.

Whereas ‘Midnight Intervals’ was a somber reflection on the dark night of the soul, I always knew the next album was about the joy that comes in the morning.

Kevin Scott Davis

At the heart of the album is the braiding of Davis’ guitar & synth layers and Dojnikowska’s piano and ethereal voice work into a delicate weave while additional depth & color are added in the form of string arrangements performed by Annasara Lundgren & Gerda Holmquist, Maciej Sadowski and Małgorzata Znarowska, and French horn parts by Gal Guttman. Add Matthew Kidd (Slow Meadow) at the mixing boards and the journeyman mastering of James Plotkin and the all the facets that make up this musical gem are complete. From heartfelt pieces like “Spirit” to the achingly beautiful “The Garden” to impressionistic set pieces like “Manta” and “Ocean Waves”, Harvest is a sublime pleasure to listen to.

Links: Bandcamp (digital) | Glowworm