Travelogue 2014: Top Ten Ambient (Electroacoustic / Minimal)

Whereas as the power of ambient drones lies in the seamless binding of layers of sound together to create a mood and engage emotions directly, electroacoustic music weaves its magic by focusing on textural and environment details with a minimalist aesthetic. Acoustic instruments, human & environmental noises, and other auditory ephemera mix with synthesized sounds to create to create a sense of place, summon memories, tell a story, or simply evoke tranquility. They can even be complete ecosystems of sound where the artist is not unlike a macro photographer capturing otherworldly beauty from ordinary things. Here are ten such albums released in 2014 that I enjoyed.

Akari [12k]

‘Structures Based On The Plasticity Of Sphere Surface Tension’ by Illuha

Wil Bolton
Bokeh [Home Normal]

‘Bokeh’ by Wil Bolton

Variations for the Celesta [Eilean Rec.]

‘A Ships Bell (Sings)’ by twincities

Leigh Toro
L’Esprit De L’Escalier [Eilean Rec.]

‘Pavilions’ by Leigh Toro

Francesco Giannico
Metrophony [Time Released Sound]

Metrophony (excerpt) by Francesco Giannico

Porya Hatami
The Garden [Dronarivm]

‘Ladybug’ by Porya Hatami

M. Sage
A Singular Continent [Patient Sounds]

‘Three Bashful Stallions’ by M. Sage

Harnes Kretzer 
Petrichor [Fluttery Records]

‘Petrichor’ by Harnes Kretzer

Taylor Deupree 
Lost and Compiled [12k]

‘July 032013’ by Taylor Deupree

Richard Ginns 
Fall, Rise [Twice Removed]

‘(Fall)’ by Richard Ginns